New Year, New Goals, New Failures?

As 2023 was about to end, I was feeling frustrated thinking about what I wanted to achieve that year and I hadn’t. It was another year where I wasn’t able to follow a monthly budget, have the toned body that I always aim for or finish the different personal projects I had scheduled. It took me less than 10 minutes to fall into a negative mindset and believe for a moment that 2024 would be a year full of new failures instead of new accomplishments.

If my life was a cartoon you would see me slapping my face trying to wake me up from that thought I had fallen into. I allowed myself to go deeper and analyze my beliefs. I realized that the problem was not the goals or myself. The problem was my mindset! How would I be able to accomplish something I already believed was not possible. I was feeling helpless. So I began to analyze what was it that I really wanted to do. It took me another 10 minutes to figure that out. The solution was apparently pretty easy: I just needed to remove all of my false beliefs. Finger snap! Done…If only it was that simple.

Most of my false beliefs were not even mine. They had been borrowed from others. I bet they truly believed them, but not me. I was just collateral damage. I spent most of my life thinking that having a toned body would mean I was a healthy person. However as you know: we are what we eat. So even if I killed myself at the gym (which to be honest I wasn’t going to do), it wouldn’t change my eating habits and I still would see no results.

So let me rewrite the title of this blog: New Year, New Goals, New Processes.

I didn’t change my goals, but I did change the way I looked at them. Instead of seeing them as something mandatory with a reason, I began to see the emotion behind them. For example, I want to follow a monthly budget so that I can have peace of mind. Not following it was stressing me out and making my budget look like a rollercoaster. What I wanted was more of a bumpy road where there will be times where I will feel uncomfortable but not enough to stop me from moving forward. I did the same with my other goals and guess what? It made me feel like this year I will actually be able to look back on the year and say I MADE IT! I´m feeling unstoppable now.

If you have been experiencing this, I invite you to give it a try. Do it without judging yourself about your false beliefs and start trusting the process. You´ll see how everything changes if you only change your perspective.


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