Author: AdminBarbier

  • Barbier International Has a New Image

    Barbier International Has a New Image

    Big news! After many years, Barbier International is proud to announce the launch of our new brand image as part of the ongoing evolution of our company. You’ll now see our new look everywhere! Our newly branded website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. You will now see it on all our products, quotes, emails and other documentation. We believe the new look matches what we’ve become since…

  • What is proofreading and why is it so important?

    What is proofreading and why is it so important?

    When translating any document, a translation company should use a process known as TEP. This process has 3 important steps that will ensure that the final text of the document will have great quality. The three TEP steps are: Translation Editing Proofreading It’s important to emphasize that during the translation process, each TEP step has to be done in…

  • The music and power of concentration while translating

    The music and power of concentration while translating

    The first things that can come to your mind when reading this title are how music and cognitive activity related. How important concentration is in the exercise of translation, and its close relation with empowering productivity. Concentration is considered the ability to have a selective focus on objects or activities without allowing elements foreign to it. On the…