Category: Culture
Unveiling the Puzzling Pattern: Why American Holidays are War-Centric
In the tapestry of American celebrations, a noticeable trend emerges—many holidays are steeped in the legacy of war, rather than peace. But why is this so? And why is a language company delving into this topic? Let’s explore. At first glance, it may seem curious that Barbier, a language services company, is diving into the…
Embracing Transcreation: Beyond the Limits of Translation
In the global market Barbier works in, language serves as the bridge connecting diverse cultures, industries, people and communities. Yet, despite all the translation that Barbier translators have done, sometimes we encounter moments when translation falls short, leaving behind nuances, emotions, and intentions lost in transition. But Barbier doesn’t fear these challenges, because transcreation is…
Nurturing Perseverance And Empowering Employees In The Era Of Quiet Quitting
Let’s face it, since the pandemic, noting is the same in business. And if we are honest, ever since the age of the internet, business owners are constantly in a learning curve to keep up with new technology, skill sets and employee trends. One such trend is the phenomenon of “quiet quitting,” where employees disengage…
If My Translator Had A Hammer, Would He Use It?
In the whimsical world of translation, where words are our tools and language barriers our challenges, let’s entertain a playful thought – what if our translator had a hammer? Well, fear not, for our expertise lies not in carpentry but in crafting seamless communication. While the image of a translator wielding a hammer may bring…
Stronger Together: Why Having A Great Team To Rely On Is Crucial For Successful Translation
At first, translation does not seem like much of a team effort. It is predominantly known as a solitary activity. It is an attractive job for introverts due to the idea of the typical translator who spends their day alone in their rooms, working on their assignments with a cup (or three) of coffee as…
Decoding Presidents Day: Beyond Washington and Lincoln
Are you scratching your head, wondering why we’ve shifted from celebrating Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays separately to a single holiday called Presidents Day? Or maybe you never knew that about this! Once, February was all about honoring two of America’s greatest leaders: George Washington, the father of our nation, and Abraham Lincoln, the emancipator. Their…
New Year, New Goals, New Failures?
As 2023 was about to end, I was feeling frustrated thinking about what I wanted to achieve that year and I hadn’t. It was another year where I wasn’t able to follow a monthly budget, have the toned body that I always aim for or finish the different personal projects I had scheduled. It took…
Remembering the Dream: MLK Jr.’s Legacy and the Ongoing Struggle for Freedom in America
In the heart of Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic dream for freedom, the United States of America continues to grapple with the challenge of realizing that dream for all its citizens. MLK Jr.’s vision resonates today as countless marginalized individuals sacrifice everything to live freely in the land of the free. This blog reflects on…
Unlock Winter Marketing Success with Barbier’s Expert Localization Services
Don’t let your marketing goals freeze over during the winter break. Turn those chilly responses from unanswered cold calls into warm and inviting messages that resonate with your global audience. Just like kids playing with snowballs and building a snowman, let Barbier help you hit the bullseye and melt the hearts of your buyers with…
Celestial Echoes: Barbier’s Ode to Linguistic Diversity in a Cosmic Symphony
Barbier recognizes that in the celestial tapestry overhead, each radiant star mirrors the countless voices resonating across our diverse planet, a cosmic chorus of languages. The ethereal dance of Northern lights, weaving through the atmosphere in seamless harmony, echoes the melodic beauty found in the diverse languages humans are privileged to embrace. Within the realm…