Category: Monthly Newsletters
Protecting Interpreters and Customer Service Agents from Deviant Callers
In the language services industry, Barbier interpreters and customer service agents act as the bridge between individuals and essential services, ensuring smooth communication across different languages and cultures. However, while our professionals work diligently to facilitate understanding, they are not immune to inappropriate or deviant behavior from callers. Shocked? Well, it happens. In 2023 survey…
Why do human interpreters and translators really unite the world?
Why do human interpreters and translators really unite the world? We asked ChatGPT to give us its own opinion on AI-language translation and basically it said to not fully trust it! Although there is improvement in language accuracy recently depending on which language, we need to give a shout out to all the interpreters and…
I am the only one who cringes when I hear the word “savage”?
Are we the only ones who cringe when we hear the word “savage?” We are not the politically correct police, but now that Gen Z is using it to mean “amazing,” “cold-blooded” or “wild”- sometimes in a positive light – it makes explaining our “cringiness” even more complicated. Many at Barbier grew up learning through…
Let’s start a movement to stop saying ‘your guyses’.’
Are the Barbier linguists getting cranky? Or does everyone else cringe when they hear this English language atrocity? After breaking down the use of this unofficial term referring to the possessive form of ‘you guys,’ we think that by starting a petition against its use will inspire English language speakers to find a better and…